
Bridging the gap
and code.

I'm Giovanni, an experienced frontend developer and a creative interactive designer.

My Projects

Glimble webshop

In addition to the Glimble public transportation app, the task was assigned to create a webshop as a headless solution.

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • Shopify
  • GraphQL
  • Contentful
  • Styled Components

Jobner jobmarket

While developing the app, my primary responsibilities included designing the onboarding process, authentication, and notifications. Jobner is a job marketplace that offers a variety of job opportunities for students.

  • React Native
  • TypeScript
  • Styled Components

Spotten parking app

With the Spotten Municipality Parking app, you can check the real-time availability of parking spaces in your vicinity, eliminating the need for you to search for an open parking spot ever again.

  • React Native
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Styled Components

Dytter bookingsplatform

Through the Dytter app, freelancers gain access to a system with thousands of one-time and recurring assignments at VVT (Care for the Elderly), disability care, and mental healthcare facilities.

  • React Native
  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Sass


Please contact me directly at or through this form